We will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.

How to Prepare- Abdominal MR Angiography

On the day of your abdominal MRI, wear comfortable loose fitting with no metal fasteners to your appointment. However, you may be asked to wear a gown during the exam.

Guidelines about eating and drinking before an MRI exam vary with the specific exam. Unless you are told otherwise, you may take food and medications as usual.

Tell your radiologist or technologist if you have any serious health problems, or if you have recently had surgery. Some conditions, such as severe kidney disease may prevent you from being given contrast material for an MRI.

Although noncontrast MRI exams are safe in pregnancy, women should always inform their radiologist or technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.

MR angiogram may require you to receive an injection of contrast into the vein of your arm. MRI contrast should not be given to a pregnant patient unless there is a life-threatening emergency. If there is any chance you could be pregnant, please inform the radiologist or technologist.

You should inform you radiologist of any prior adverse reaction to MRI contrast. Some conditions, such as severe kidney or liver disease may prevent you from receiving contrast material during an abdominal MR angiography exam.

What you can expect during a abdominal MR angiography exam:

  • You will be asked to lie flat on your back on the moveable examination table.
  • Devices that help with the imaging may be placed around or on you.
  • If a contrast material is used, an IV will need to be placed.
  • The table will move into the magnet of the MRI unit.
  • Some of the imaging may be quite loud and if so, ear protection will be provided.
  • If a contrast material is being used, it will be injected into the IV after an initial series of scans. Additional imaging will be taken during or following the injection.
  • When your MRI is completed, you may be asked to wait until the technologist or radiologist checks the images in case additional images are needed.
  • Your IV will be removed.
  • MRI usually includes multiple sets of images, some of which last for several minutes.
  • Depending on the type of exam, the entire exam is usually between 30 to 50 minutes long.